Project Code: HPRP CT 2002 0008 (International)Funding programme: Improving Human Potential and Socio-economic Knowledge BaseFunding Agency: European CommissionProject type: DISSEMINATIONWeb site: date: 2002-01-01Ending date: 2003-12-31AUEB budget: 17,160 EURTotal budget: 268,800 EUR
eAWARe aims to educate the everyday Internet user about online risks and the steps users can take to protect themselves. eAWARe reaches out to the public through local events across Europe. We will also produce a free guide on how to
have and host your own event to promote information security awareness. eAWARe is supported by the Directorate General for Research of the European Commission. eAWARe will hold its final international conference during the first week of November 2003 in Rome, Italy. This event is part of the European Commission's initiatives in the context of European Science Week. eAWARe also supports the dissemination of the OECD Guidelines for Information and Network Security.